Ok so the prolonged silence ends tonight. Here are a few new leafs we have turned over in the Lutz household. Some fun and adventurous others difficult and discouraging either way we are learning to be THANKFUL no matter what comes our way:
1. Tyler and I are learning how to use our new pots and pans. Which means new dinners and lots of leftovers :) (even if we did pay way too much for them) everybody has that one "lapse" in financial judgment right?
2. I didn't pass my boards. BUT I found out with my husband hugging me and handing me tissues. He told me that I was gonna be a great nurse because I have a love and compassion from Jesus that I can share with others and that couldn't be taught. :)
3. I learned how to change a flat with Tyler and realized how little upper body strength I possess. I thoroughly enjoyed learning but I'm definitely not chomping at the bit to accomplish this feat on my own.
4. Tyler and I have attended 8 weddings this year (including our own).
5. The other night there was a snake on the sidewalk and Tyler learned that I truly have a PHOBIA. He had to carry me upstairs even after the snake was gone...I just couldn't walk by were the snake had been for fear that it MIGHT make a reappearance.
6. I'm still working at spohn south in the NICU as a nurse assistant. Which I'm very THANKFUL to still have a job especially after finding out I have to re-take my boards. Bummer is that I work nights making the Husband's schedule and my schedule opposite.
7. Cool thing about opposing schedules you find creative ways to leave notes/surprises/dinner!
8. Tyler and I both have Thanksgiving off which means we get to attend 4 different Thanksgivings. (I had been praying about the holidays so this was an answer to prayer!)
9. This weekend we get to put up our first Christmas tree together as a married couple and put out our new Disney ornaments!!
10. Most of all I'm just thankful that no matter what I have the love of an unconditional God to look to and a husband who does the same no matter what we may be facing!!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
The Lutz's