Apr 26, 2012

Spring Switch Up!

CONFESSION: So let just say I have been procrastinating to the extreme on blogging the last couple of months...It's an odd occurrence really. I will sit down write a whole post and then delete (my over analytical brain worries to much about worldly opinions). So I decided. No more procrastination for fear of judgment on my opinions I mean really it's so silly of me. Just a confession I thought I would make publicly :D

At any rate Tyler and I have been in a bit of a tailspin lately. Since my last post these are the happenings around the LUTZ HOME:

1. WE MOVED!!!! Yup believe it folks our bathroom is no longer visible when I'm sitting in our bed and now we have 2 bathrooms. God is so great at timing and we couldn't be more grateful that HE opened the door to a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom town home 15 mins from Church and 5 mins from my work. BLESSED.

2. By the grace of GOD: I passed by boards and I'm a registered nurse at Christus Spohn South in the NICU.

3. We have a DOG!!! Yup the rumors and annoying feed of pictures on your face book and instagram feeds are true. We have a dog named Harley and he averages 2.7 walks a day and 1.2 baths a week. He is a 4 year old basset hound and we adopted him from one of the sweetest families in our church!!  He pretty much loves Tyler and has become his shadow (which I think Harley is partial because I clean his ears which he HATES and have been deemed this task due to my current status in #2 listed above) Disclaimer: I will apologize in advance for hogging your face book and instagram feeds with pictures of our cute pup, but being proud dog owners we think Harley is the best thing since kibbles and bits haha pun intended.

4. We still LOVE married LIFE!! I know this one seems silly I mean duh, but the be quite honest we still get this question frequently lol. At any rate we are definitely learning a thing or two about sharing responsibilities, paying bills, living life together, and how to keep DATING each other. We love talking, taking walks, and sharing random stories via picture text message about the crazy things Harley is doing at home.

5. We LOVE OUR CHURCH FAMILY AND THE LEADERSHIP WE HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF FOLLOWING: Our church is currently going through a lot of changes and a huge giving campaign. Tyler and I are so Blessed to serve alongside such honoring leaders. Pastor Bil and Jessica are so encouraging and they are so passionate about serving God's people it keeps Tyler and I on fire for the lost and Broken. Pastor Joe and Mel are our best friends and biggest mentors (come on what an awesome combo) They love the students as their own kids and like any great parents they pray and dream the best for each and every on of them. It really establishes an awareness to the students hearts and dreams and really pushes Tyler and I to pray HUGE prayers that only God can answer in the students lives and in the ministry. To say the least we are surrounded by leadership that propels us into the vision God has for our marriage, ministry, and church as a whole. 

To the spring and what God has for the summer...
Mrs. Lutz

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